6 Reasons why Earth Hour is important The rapid depletion of ozone layer, fertile soil, icecaps and non-renewable resources are not phenomena that can be overlooked as they require immediate attention and action from all of us. Earth hour is an initiative by World Wide Fund (WWF) which is held annually on the last Saturday of the month of March. It was initiated in 2007 in Sydney, Australia. It is shifted a week earlier or later for the years when the date collides with the holy Saturday, which is the case this year. Earth hour 2018 will be held on 24th March at 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM according to your local time. During Earth Hour, individuals, communities and businesses turn off their non-essential lights for an hour to support the movement. It is an effective movement which has gone global since its inception. Below are the reasons Earth Hour is very important. It spreads awareness and conversation Earth hour is annually so it doesn't let the hype die down....